Prices of polyester
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Prices of polyester

Sep 23, 2023

Due to slow demand, prices of polyester-cotton yarn and poly-spun yarn in Surat were bearish in sentiment. In the last fortnight, prices of poly-spun yarn eased by Rs 3-4 per kg in Surat. Prices, however, remained stable amid weak demand in the north Indian market. Also, last friday, Reliance Industries Limited (RIL) had increased the prices of raw material.

A downfall of prices was noted in the Surat market amid sluggish demand. A trader from Surat market was quoted as saying, "Weaving and garment industries were not confident about demand from end-users. They were reluctant for bulk purchase of raw materials. The price of poly-spun yarn eased down in last couple of days."

In the Ludhiana market, Polyester-cotton and polyester yarn selling was steady, but demand remained low due to weak sentiments in the entire value chain. A trader from Ludhiana market was quoted as saying, "Buyers were silent for yarn purchase as garment units were still operating on limited capacity."

Last friday, RIL had increased prices of purified terephthalic acid (PTA) and MELT but the price of monoethylene glycol (MEG) was kept unchanged for the current week.