Children cast a line for fishing derby
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Children cast a line for fishing derby

May 21, 2023

More than 100 children and their families made their way early Saturday morning to Freeman Lake Park in Elizabethtown to try their hand at fishing.

The Rineyville Optimist Club second Fishing Derby gave away 100 fishing poles and families were still arriving to cast a line at the community event, club president Chase Richerson said.

"We’ve got well over 100 kids here," he said. "We’ve already given out all of our free fishing poles."

The families fished until noon, then enjoyed a free lunch on the club.

"We want to give back to the kids in the community," he said. "Every year we take them shopping at Christmas time. So we were coming up with an idea to split the year up and come up with something to do in the summer. What better way to get the kids out and get them involved in the outdoors."

So far, Richerson said families have had a good time.

"They’re very pleased and very grateful for the fishing poles and having the experience," he said.

Casting their lines into the lake were the Benson siblings, Leilani, 7, Tristen, 10, and Cadence, 11, of Rineyville.

Leilani caught her first fish as soon as it started, which she also said might have been the first caught fish for the derby. She cast her line really far, she said.

Tristen had caught two.

"It was kind of annoying when I caught this fish, but the fish got off right before I got it out of the water," he said. "I would have caught three fish by now, if that one hadn't gotten off.

"I’m just trying to figure out which spot is the best spot to fish," he added, saying he had bounced from spot to spot.

Their grandmother, Un Benson, said the children have been fishing before and she brought them to the derby because she wanted to give the children something fun to do.

"I want to make sure they are having fun," she said.

Assisting the children with baiting hooks, learning how to cast and releasing the fish they caught were volunteers with the Central Hardin High School Bass Fishing Team.

"This is a great event," volunteer Ronda Mayes said. "Some of the kids have never touched a fishing pole before. So it's a good opportunity to have a great experience and maybe catch that fire, that passion, to grow up and be part of a fishing team in the schools they are a part of."

It also allows the children to connect with their parents, Mayes said.

"Any kid that holds a fishing pole has the potential to be a good human," she said. "It doesn't take skills to cast a fishing pole, but it gets them out in nature and gets them out from in front of that TV or electronic device. Fishing is so calming and peaceful and stress-relieving."

Luci Thompsett, 5, was having some luck pulling in fish.

"I’ve got four," she said. "I just need one more to get the trophy."

The club was providing trophies for the biggest fish caught and the first child to five, among others.

She was enjoying spending time with her family and touching the fish.

Her brother, Leiland Thompsett, wasn't having as much luck, he said.

"I caught a stick bass," he said.

Gary Stillwell, the children's grandfather, came with the family to assist hooking bait.

"He has had some good bites, but hasn't caught any fish yet," he said of Leiland.

The children's mother, Amanda Stillwell, saw an advertisement for the derby and thought it would be a good family outing.

"We always enjoy going fishing," she said. "It's always fun to bring them out here with every body else and just enjoy the fun competition with it."

For the children's grandmother, Diane Stillwell, it was about the experience.

"Spending time with the family, being out her and enjoying the kids enjoying themselves," she said. "We enjoy all the family time that we can get."

Gina Clear can be reached at 270-505-1418 or [email protected].

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