“Cops and Bobbers” a reel good time at Sand Lake
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“Cops and Bobbers” a reel good time at Sand Lake

Jul 21, 2023

Jun 5, 2023

T-R PHOTO BY JAKE RYDER — Anglers cast their line at Sand Lake for the "Cops and Bobbers" event sponsored by the Marshalltown Police Department with help from the Marshall County Conservation office and the Iowa Department of Natural Resources office. MPD officers and DNR employees helped distribute worm bait and help novice fishers make the perfect cast throughout the day.

Anglers young and old cast their line at Sand Lake on Saturday afternoon during a free fishing weekend that coincided with Marshalltown Police Department's "Cops and Bobbers" event, which ran from 2 to 4 p.m. on Saturday.

Marshalltown Police Department staff helped distribute fish-themed snacks, MPD-branded bobbers, and even rented out fishing poles from the Marshall County Conservation office to attendees who didn't bring their own equipment.

The MPD and officials from the Iowa Department of Natural Resources also helped replenish fishing lines with lures and assisted younger fisherfolk with properly baiting their line.

Marshalltown Police Department officers and staff distributed snacks, MPD-branded bobbers and rented out fishing poles from the Marshall County Conservation office to interested fishers. Visitors were also invited to sign up to win either children or adult fishing poles donated by Theisen's.

It's the newest entry in continued community outreach from the MPD, said Anna Vaughn, administrative assistant to Marshalltown Police Chief Mike Tupper.

While the event is common across various police departments in the country, Lieutenant Patricia Thein was credited with localizing the idea.

The police department does other community outreach initiatives like "Cops on the Court," but Vaughn indicated that this fishing derby reached a wider age range and was a chance for families to engage in some outdoor weekend activities.

Thiesen's in Marshalltown donated fishing poles for door prizes, with attendees able to sign up for either adult fishing poles or, for the kids, "Cars" and "Paw Patrol" themed poles.


Contact Jaker Ryder at 641-753-6611 ext. 227 or [email protected].

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