Grassfield High yarn prank tangles dozens in trouble
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Grassfield High yarn prank tangles dozens in trouble

Dec 19, 2023


A senior prank Friday at Grassfield High School started with a hallway turned into a web of yarn and ended with dozens of students suspended.

At 10:15 a.m., just before the first block ended, the students involved tied yarn to the legs of their desks. They let the string unravel a little, then walked around with the yarn in hand, according to Chris Carr, a senior who was suspended.

The six-minute break between classes was ample time for them to create a web of multicolored yarn as they weaved between lockers and other students.

Carr estimated about 40 students were punished for the prank that had been planned for a couple of weeks. The suspension will last for one day, and students will be allowed to return to school Tuesday.

School officials could not be reached for comment Friday evening.

On Twitter, students reacted to news of the suspensions and shared pictures of the prank. Some blamed one student's use of fishing line as going too far.

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